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PaSRBA Open/Youth Arts & Crafts 


Saturday, February 4, 2023 

Drop off items between 

9:00 AM – 11:00AM 



New for 2023: DO NOT put your name on the back. Items will be assigned an exhibitor number and a card for judging

Items may be picked up after judging


Open Entry Fee - $1.00 per item / Youth Free Entry No limits on class entries. 

Youth entry is for 18 years old and under. 

Awards: Ribbons - First – Third, Best in Show award


All entries must relate to a rabbits or cavy

Event Chair: Angie Myers


Entry Classes: 

Art – Drawing, Painting, in any medium. 


Jewelry - Not from a kit




Rabbit Needlepoint/Needlework - includes knitting, crocheted, and felted items


Other rabbit-related sewing projects 


Other Rabbit textile items


Photography - separate classes for B/W or Color


Digital art: Computer generated must not use copyrighted images and all work must be original


Wood/Metal- nest box, rabbit equipment


Any other rabbit/cavy themed, self made items


Stories (Youth Only) - Involving Rabbits and Cavies 


Project Books (Youth Only) 



Submissions may not include rabbit products such as wool or pelts from a state that has had a case of RHD in the past 12 months.



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